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    Usa "step on" in una frase

    step on frasi di esempio

    step on

    1. I don’t want to step on their toes, but the band seems totally cool with getting some original ideas

    2. who step on each others’ toes in the first waltz

    3. He noticed that Thom was careful to draw out every step on the way to the podium

    4. Forward and backward across the deck they pushed and pulled like giant inch worms, rubbing the thinned varnish into the grain of the wood, being careful not to step on the deck planks already coated

    5. He was very careful on hitting every step on the way down, but it

    6. You must have heard me step on a twig –

    7. It lets more or less of the force thru to the handle depending on how hard you step on it

    8. That meant how to drop step on a ball and crow hop correctly for outfielders, and

    9. There was a general cry of dismay as the third wave clambered over the trench merely to be met with a field so liberally strewn with spiked metal caltrops that it was impossible not to step on one

    10. He bent down to take a closer look, careful not to step on any evidence that might be lying around

    11. I will say, however, that once you come to know in your heart that it exists, you will have taken the biggest step on your path to happiness

    12. Step one on the path to self-mastery is self-knowledge

    13. Step one on the journey to success is to know and accept

    14. It was easy to step on the box and climb over the

    15. From his first step onto

    16. This he had, in a way, been expecting, for this was naturally the following step on from his death

    17. Was it because he cared about me? Or was that, too, some obscure political point—or perhaps, even more sinisterly, that it would represent the first step on the road to losing control?

    18. We step onto the path through the roses and occasionally we stop and smell the roses! The coral colored ones are my favorite, though the white ones are stunning too

    19. All of it now irrevocably drifted off, like rain-forest mist, into what we call the past, when Earth had danced her sun-moon two-step only a thousand million times

    20. Step on it

    21. When the Major approached him at a respectful distance as if the General emitted some kind of aura he did not wish to step on, he saluted crisply and asked him in a most professional, clipped tone of voice:

    22. "C’mon man, step on this mother fucker," demanded one of

    23. asses and minding not to step on some of the all white AF1"s that were plentiful

    24. I remember his fingers on my hip again, how they kept me from falling, and I almost miss a step on the ladder

    25. I hear their shuffling footsteps behind me and step onto the ledge

    26. I step on a Candor girl’s pinkie, and her face twitches

    27. “If I’m wrong, I’ll step on that spaceship with you, Dad

    28. Heel: Power to step on and apply pressure that destroys; crucified with Christ; the woman’s seed; the wicked

    29. Well John applied the same principle as in step one but this

    30. It tries to step on Jaden, but he quickly rolls out of the way while still holding his sword and shield

    31. denial, but this is the first step only

    32. shows that you truly understand how this technology works - and that's a big step on

    33. At ten past six, against the boys’ advice, Emily and I step on the arched stone bridge

    34. This will setup your new list and it will then walk you step by step on how to fill in all of the information

    35. The next step on Hillary’s “conversion” was her undergraduate education at Wellesley College

    36. I went down, and as a favor to my father, I was given the following scenario: If I took two courses in Cornell’s Department of Communication Arts during what was left of the second sophomore semester after I busted out, as well as two correspondence courses from UNC and received at least a B average in all of these (step one), and if I attended a double summer school session at UNC—took four courses—and maintained this B average overall (step two), then (if I could maintain a B average in all eight courses across the board), I would be admitted as a sophomore at UNC

    37. Soon, every new step on the rest of this journey will take me further from that possibility

    38. They had rolled out a red carpet for him to step on when he climbed down the ladder from his cockpit

    39. Does the situation I have described change your opinion at all? Does it matter that the wrongdoer is highly unlikely to be reformed by physical pain? Does it matter that she came here not as a willing applicant, but as a caged transvestite? And, finally, does it change your opinion to know she is an artist with God-given gifts? I fear that a wrong step on my part could deter her from using her talents on behalf of religion!

    40. Soon, every new step on the rest of this journey will take

    41. militant of cats, believe that you should be killed if you step on

    42. was going, they were about to step on my toes with another move

    43. This book is step one of that vision

    44. I only had to step on two of the silent spots before I

    45. Step one was to introduce the pictorial script as a fun thing for children

    46. actual y did step on some people's shoes and dresses

    47. His horse had been stolen when he fled the city and now he felt every step on his sore and tender feet

    48. ’ He had to endure much and his unquestioning service was the first step on a greater road

    49. Step on it a bit, we don’t want to keep him waiting at this time of the morning, you know how touchy he can be!”

    50. Now, get off the ponies before they step on a child and I have to kill you!” He ordered the bowmen, “They are friends, let them come

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